In the middle of the road of my life I awoke in a dark wood where the true way was wholly lost.
- Dante's Divine Comedy
It happens to all of us, somewhere in the middle of our lives. We awake to the realization of lostness. We sense that we've been playacting in a drama written by a hand other than our own, and the script no longer works. Things we were striving for - status, promotions, wealth, security - begin to look hollow and small, someone else's notion of what we're here for. Other questions, other concerns - these ones deeper, darker, more personal yet more universal - trouble our sleep and distract us from our daily routines: Who am I? What am I really looking for? Am I on the right path? What is my heart's desire? What is the world calling forth from me? Where do I fit?
Questions without answers.
What the moment requires is a journey. Like Dante, we must leave the surface of our lives and descend into our interiors, in search of the story-thread that will lead us home to ourselves once again.
Private Paths, Common Ground is a guide for that journey. It is a rite of passage for adults, to usher us through the particular threshold that appears only in the middle of our lives, when we awaken to the calling of our deeper natures, and an urgency to build our lives from that center.
There is no "one" path through the book; each exercise stands on its own, and can be experienced before or after any other exercise. Your intuition will guide you as you find your own "private path" through the maze!
Enjoy the journey home!